So, the first organic exam of the semester =( not happy about it. It turned out to be more time consuming and tougher than I thought it would be. But I wish I had studied a little more and looked at much more problems than I had.
The most confusing problem in the exam was Question 11 of Section 2 where we had to match the given organic compounds to the appropriate 13C NMR spectra. I had to go back multiple times and change my answers. To fully comprehend the question, I went back and read the section on 13C NMR in the textbook and one of the practice websites Dr. M suggested us.
This is a tutorial website where you get to practice 13C that I found a bit useful.
I think that to master this whole spectroscopy business you need to just keep practicing practicing practicing and practicing.
After taking the first exam, I agree completely with you. I never would've thought it would have been as hard as it was. Overall, I studied the sapling problems more then anything and there were hardly any on there. With knowing this, I know next time to study more from the book instead of sapling. I also went to this website and it really helped me out a lot, especially about the major differences between 13C-NMR and 1H-NMR spectra. Just reading over the website made things clearer an understandable. I think Carbon Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (13C-NMR) Spectroscopy is just so hard to understand and I’m pretty sure everyone would agree with me. Overall, I think we all would’ve liked to have done better, but we will all be more prepared next time, just think we have 4 test left :)